Bakewell Tart

I adore Bakewell Tart and go out of my way to hunt a good one down. My

Bakewell Tart
Bakewell Tart

absolute favourite outside of Bakewell itself is from Malton Relish. When Sophie, my good friend and owner of Malton Relish comes to visit she brings some up to Skye especially for us!

But as I am now so far away from my favourite Bakewell Tart I thought I had just better make my own. And as I am also and avid lover of marzipan, I supercharged the frangipani with some extra marzipan! So below is my version of Bakewell Tart.

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Chocolate Babka

Whilst thumbing the pages of New York Cult Recipes by Marc Grossman I stumbled across a recipe for Chocolate Babka. This is a breakfast cake popular in Jewish New York bakeries and Deli’s. A hybrid between bread, brioche and cake with lots of added chocolate. What’s not to love!

Chocolate Babka
Chocolate Babka

The ingredients are simple and easy to come by. You need a bit of time for the dough to rise twice but not many other tricky skills. So here is the recipe from the book and my experience of making and eating Chocolate Babka.

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Blueberry and Almond Cake

After an impulsive blueberry purchase in the supermarket this week I thought

Blueberry and Almond Cake
Blueberry and Almond Cake

it best to bake a Blueberry and Almond Cake. There are so many recipes out there for Blueberry Muffins or Lemon & Blueberry Cake so I thought it would be good to have something a bit different. So here’s my recipe was a delicious Blueberry and Almond Cake with a cream cheese filling and frosting. Continue reading “Blueberry and Almond Cake”