Chicken and Smokey Bacon Risotto

I love a good Risotto but rarely order one when in an Italian Restaurant as I simply find it hard to resist the delicious pasta dishes. So, there

Chicken and Smokey Bacon Risotto
Chicken and Smokey Bacon Risotto

was only one thing to do, create my own risotto, So here it is, my recipe for Chicken and Smokey Bacon Risotto




Ingredients for Chicken and Smokey Bacon Risotto – serves 2

1 chicken breast cut into small pieces
4 rashers of smokey streaky bacon, cut into small pieces
1 small onion finely diced
3-4 closed cup mushrooms finely chopped
150g Arborio rice
800ml chicken stock
30g butter
Splash of cooking oil, I used Rapeseed Oil
30g grated parmesan


Put the butter and oil in a large shallow saucepan and heat to melting point.
Just before the butter starts to foam add the chicken, bacon, onions and mushrooms to the pan.
Cook until the the onions have softened and the chicken is cooked through.
Add the rice to the pan and stir thoroughly.
Turn the heat down and slowly add a ladle full of chicken stock to the pan and stir gently.
By adding the stock slowly you allow the rice grains to absorb the liquid and puff up, rather than simply boiling off the stock.
Keep stirring as you add the stock, if the heat is low enough and you are stirring, the rice doesn’t tend to stick too much.
It should take about 20-30 minutes for all the stock to be absorbed, don’t rush at this point.
Once the last of the liquid has been absorbed you are left with a lovely sticky risotto.
Serve into bowls and sprinkle with Parmesan.
Lovely served with some fresh crusty bread or some fresh salad leaves

Chicken and Smokey Bacon Risotto
Chicken and Smokey Bacon Risotto

Enjoy my Chicken and Smokey Bacon Risotto

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