Chocolate Orange Cake

My recipes for Chocolate Bundt Cakes have proven to be very popular. However there has been many calls for a smaller version to be made in sandwich tins. I’ve re-written and tested the recipe so it fits into 2 x 20cm/8inch round cake tins. This version is a Chocolate Orange Cake but you could swap the orange for 120g of fresh raspberries and make a Chocolate Raspberry Cake.

To boost the flavour of the Chocolate Orange  Cake I used a 100g bar of Fairtrade Dark Orange Chocolate from the Co-op topped up to 50g with Callebaut 54% Dark Chocolate Callets. This combination gives a rich chocolate flavour without being too bitter. I also used Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil but this can be substituted for any rapeseed, sunflower or vegetable oil.

Chocolate Orange Cake


150g dark chocolate (I used a 100g bar Dark Orange Chocolate & 50g of 54% dark chocolate)
150g unsalted butter – cubed (plus some for greasing)
90ml fresh orange juice and zest of 1 orange
90g self raising flour
105g plain flour
210g caster sugar
75ml buttermilk (or make your own)
3 large eggs
30g cocoa powder (plus some for dusting)
25ml rapeseed oil
quarter of a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda

Jam for the filling

Icing sugar for the top


Preheat the oven to 150c fan
Grease and line 2 x 20cm/8 inch round spring form cake tins.

Break up the chocolate into small pieces and put into a saucepan with butter and orange juice.
Gently melt the chocolate and butter over a low heat until you have a smooth, silky chocolate sauce. Set aside to cool.
In a small bowl whisk together the eggs, oil, orange zest and buttermilk.

If you have to make your own buttermilk simply put the milk into a small jug or mug. Stir in about quarter of a teaspoon of lemon juice or white vinegar and leave to stand for 5 minutes before adding it to the egg mixture.
Sift together the flour, cocoa powder, sugar and bicarbonate of soda in a large bowl.
Make a well in the centre of the bowl in the flour and pour in the egg mixture and fold in gently until everything is combined. The mixture will be very stiff but try not to overwork it.
Next add in half of the cooled chocolate sauce and fold in until everything is combined together then pour in the second half and repeat.

Once all the ingredients are combined pour the cake mixture into the prepared tins. Carefully place into the oven and cook for 30-35 minutes.  After this time a cake skewer inserted into the cake should come out clean, if not cook for another 5 minutes.
Remove from the oven and place the tins onto a cooling rack.  Once the tins are cool gently remove the cake from the tins and leave to fully cool.

Sandwich the two cakes together with a generous layer of fruit jam, or if you have it orange curd would be amazing. Dust the top with icing sugar and you are good to go.

Treat yourself to a generous slice of this moist, delicious Chocolate Orange Cake.

Chocolate Orange Cake
Chocolate Orange Cake

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