Chocolate and Vanilla Marble Loaf Cake

Chocolate and Vanilla Marble Loaf Cake

Inspired by the Mary Berry book – Simple Cakes this loaf cake is lovely as it is or you can add subtle little twists. My first impression was that it would be lovely to be a Chocolate Orange sponge marbled with a Vanilla sponge. To do that I would add the zest of half an orange to the chocolate half of the mix and substitute the hot water for orange juice. Either way it’s a lovely fun sponge to bake.


225g StorkChocolate and Vanilla Marble Loaf Cake
225g caster sugar
275g self raising flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
4 large eggs
2 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
4-5 tablespoons hot water

For the icing

25g stork
15g cocoa powder
1-2 tablespoons milk
100g sifted icing sugar


Heat oven to 160c fan
Grease and line a 2lb loaf tinIcing your loaf cake
Using the all in one method put all the cake ingredients (except the cocoa powder and hot water) in a bowl and whisk together until creamy.
Spoon half of this mixture into another bowl and put to one side.
In a small clean bowl mix together the cocoa powder and hot water until it is smooth, add a little extra water if necessary. Once it is smooth add the cocoa to one of the bowls of vanilla cake mix and gently mix together until it’s evenly blended together.
Into the prepared loaf tin randomly spoon in a little of each mixture until you have used up both bowls of cake mix.
Bake for 50 mins-1 hour until the cake is well risen and spongy to the touch.
When cooked, remove from oven and allow to cool in the tin for 5-10 minutes.
Now remove from tin and remove any lining parchment.
Whilst the cake is cooling make the icing.
In a small pan melt the stork then add the cocoa powder and blend together.
Next add the milk and icing sugar.
Remove from heat and mix together well. Allow to the icing to thicken as it cools, stirring occasionally.
When the cake and icing are cool, pour the icing over the cake allowing it to dribble down the sides.

Leave until the icing is fully set and then slice the cake and admire the marble effect inside.

The Chocolate and Vanilla Marble Loaf Cake should cut into about 10-12 slices.


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