A couple of weeks ago I was lucky to receive an advance review copy of Lavender and Lovage by Karen Burns Booth. The book is released on 13th November 2018 and is Karen’s first solo book. I met Karen many years ago at

Malton Food Festival and have followed her work with great interest. Karen’s blog Lavender and Lovage is packed with mouthwatering recipes, tantalising food photography and passport grabbing travel. Now she has unleashed all this into a book – Lavender and Lovage.
Lavender and Lovage the book…
This is no ordinary cook book, this is a more of memoir and an ode to food. Karen has been fortunate to have lived in all corners of the globe and travelled

even further! Which means she has tales to tell. These tales and anecdotes are scattered throughout the book for the readers enjoyment. Memories are cheekily intertwined with the recipes and ideas that they have inspired. Even if you have never met Karen you get a taste of her life, her influences and how she has come to put this beautiful collection of recipes together.
The recipes have meaningful introductions and descriptions. You learn what inspired Karen to create them or who shared them with her and why. The recipes are uncomplicated and very achievable for cooks of all abilities. Ingredients are easy to find and the reader does not need to be a Masterchef finalist to cook something delicious for their themselves, friends or family.
Lavender and Lovage is conveniently broken down into meal times, courses of meals and all the little extras that you can be cook. Main courses are also split into the relevant meats. Dishes range from traditional British dishes such as Yorkshire Corned Beef and Potato Pie to the more exotic Aromatic Pork in Coconut Milk from Western India. If you can’t find a few recipes you like in here you really must be a fussy eater!
Trying out the recipes…
For me there were a few stand out recipes that I just had to try.
First up was Welsh Rarebit, it was an obvious choice as I love mature British

cheeses but never go much further than cheese on toast. So with a fresh white bloomer in hand Monday lunchtime was a huge hit. The Rarebit was so simple to make, the 5 simple ingredients (I left out the mustard) were so delicious. Hubby now has added it to his request list when I’m working out our menu for the week.
Next I chose a pasta dish as we love pasta and I really

enjoy cooking up new dishes, especially baked pasta dishes. In order to try something new I chose Pastitsio, which is a Cypriot Pasta Bake. Lots of ingredients but nothing tricky. The herbs and spices add so much flavour to the dish. Even the Bechamel Sauce is foolproof if you follow Karen’s instructions. This recipe is now on my “favourite pasta” list!
I have sheep farmers in my family and my freezer is full to the brim with their lamb so my next choice of recipe was a no-brainer. My mouth was watering simply reading Karen’s description of Spoon Lamb or Gigot a la Cuilliere to give it it’s correct title. Slow cooking your leg of lamb in gorgeous flavours until you can carve it with a spoon, there are no words…
There are so many other recipes I want to cook in coming weeks…Spanish Chicken and Rice, Orange Layer Cake, Boeuf de Daube, Teacup Farmhouse Loaf, the list goes on.
If my photos don’t get your taste buds tingling then I know Karen’s surely will. Lavender and Lovage is a book to read and enjoy as well as cook recipes from.
Once you’ve treated yourself to the book or added it to your Christmas list don’t forget to follow Karen and Lavender and Lovage on Social Media, you won’t regret it.

Thank you so much Melanie for this lovely review…..I’m so very pleased you have enjoyed my book, and I’m also delighted that you’ve already made these recipes too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and photos, Karen