Orange and Lemon Layer Cake

When I was deciding what to bake this week a little voice from the neighbouring room asked if requests could be made. I stuck my head round my husband’s office door and he said “something orangey”. So here we are a moist yet light Orange & Lemon Layer Cake.

Orange and Lemon Layer Cake
Orange and Lemon Layer Cake

Orange and Lemon Layer Cake


225g Stork
225g Self Raising Flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
100g Golden Caster Sugar
100g Light brown sugar
4 large eggs
zest of 2 oranges – finely grated

Filling:Orange and Lemon Layer Cake mixture
Half a jar of Lemon curd
100g softened butter
300g sifted icing sugar
Juice of half an orange

25g caster sugar
remaining juice from the oranges


Heat the oven to 160c fan.
Grease an line 2 x 20cm cake tins.
Put all the cake ingredients into a bowl and mix until smooth and creamy.
Divide the mix evenly between the two tins and cake for 20-25 minutes.
Remove from the oven when baked and left in the tins for 5 minutes before Making the glazeturning out onto cooling racks.

Whilst the cakes are cooling make the buttercream filling. Put the butter and icing sugar in a bowl and mix together, slowly add the orange juice until the butter cream is soft and creamy.
In a small saucepan make the glaze. Put the caster sugar and orange juice in the pan, heat until the sugar is dissolved then bring  to the boil and reduce by half.
When the cakes are cooled start the assembly.

Place your bottom cake onto a plate and using a pastry brush coaGlazing the caket the top of the cake with the glaze, them cover with a generous layer of lemon curd.
Turn the second cake over and cover the base with half of the buttercream.
Sandwich the two together and then glaze the top of the cake.
Spread the remainder of the buttercream on the top and sides of the cake.

And there you have it a moist, delicious, tangy Orange and Lemon Layer Cake
Slice of Orange and Lemon Layer Cake

3 Replies to “Orange and Lemon Layer Cake”

    1. Stork is a vegetable based baking spread such as Margarine. Our here Stork is the big Brand name in baking but if you find a margarine spread with a high vegetable fat content that should do the trick.

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