Chocolate Orange Cake

My recipes for Chocolate Bundt Cakes have proven to be very popular. However there has been many calls for a smaller version to be made in sandwich tins. I’ve re-written and tested the recipe so it fits into 2 x 20cm/8inch round cake tins. This version is a Chocolate Orange Cake but you could swap the orange for 120g of fresh raspberries and make a Chocolate Raspberry Cake.

To boost the flavour of the Chocolate Orange  Cake I used a 100g bar of Fairtrade Dark Orange Chocolate from the Co-op topped up to 50g with Callebaut 54% Dark Chocolate Callets. This combination gives a rich chocolate flavour without being too bitter. I also used Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil but this can be substituted for any rapeseed, sunflower or vegetable oil.

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Chocolate and Raspberry Bundt Cake

Last weekend was my husband’s birthday so the cake I baked had to be a bit special. After much deliberation we chose to make a few adjustments to an existing recipe and baked Chocolate and Raspberry Bundt Cake. The recipe is very similar to the Chocolate Orange Bundt Cake I’ve made before. However this one is loaded with fresh raspberries and a top tip – how to make your own buttermilk.

Chocolate and Raspberry Bundt Cake
Chocolate and Raspberry Bundt Cake

So if you have a special occasion and want a tasty chocolate that will wow the crowds, then look no further. It is moist, rich and super chocolatey. My Chocolate and Raspberry Bundt Cake recipe is below.

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Chocolate Brownie

For all you chocoholics out there, is there nothing better than a perfect

Chocolate Brownie
Chocolate Brownie

Chocolate Brownie? My Chocolate Brownie recipe is a hybrid of many recipes my husband went through when looking for a great Chocolate Brownie. After a few tweaks to a few recipes we hit the spot.

The standard recipe is for a great quality simple Chocolate Brownie but as it is Easter in a couple of weeks I have tweaked it again to make Easter Chocolate Brownies. Below is the original recipe and a few tweaks for other recipes…

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