Chocolate Spice Cake

This week I dug out my 40th Edition Be-Ro book and did the Cookbook Challenge. It is a well thumbed recipe book so was hard to find something I

Chocolate Spice Cake
Chocolate Spice Cake

haven’t baked before but hiding away on page 53 is Chocolate Spice Cake.

This cake is suits Autumn perfectly, especially this week being Halloween and Bonfire Night. The Chocolate Spice Cake is lightly spiced with cloves, cinnamon and mixed spice so is a lovely alternative to parkin and gingerbread. Continue reading “Chocolate Spice Cake”

Chocolate and Vanilla Marble Loaf Cake

Chocolate and Vanilla Marble Loaf Cake

Inspired by the Mary Berry book – Simple Cakes this loaf cake is lovely as it is or you can add subtle little twists. My first impression was that it would be lovely to be a Chocolate Orange sponge marbled with a Vanilla sponge. To do that I would add the zest of half an orange to the chocolate half of the mix and substitute the hot water for orange juice. Either way it’s a lovely fun sponge to bake. Continue reading “Chocolate and Vanilla Marble Loaf Cake”