Traditional Yorkshire Curd Tart

Traditional Yorkshire Curd Tart
Traditional Yorkshire Curd Tart

Well, you can take the girl out of Yorkshire but you can’t take Yorkshire out of the girl! One thing I do miss from my home county of Yorkshire is a Traditional Yorkshire Curd Tart, not something readily found outside the county boundaries. My husband used to buy fresh or frozen curds from the local farm shop and occasionally bake one but there are no such curds on the Isle of Skye. So I had to give it my best shot and make my own curds. So my recipe for Yorkshire Curd goes back to basics and demonstrates how to make curds, pastry and what to do with the left over buttermilk.


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Pasteis de Nata Portuguese Custard Tarts

Pasteis de Nata  or Portuguese Custard Tarts as they are known in English are something I have been meaning to make for a while now. Whilst I have never eaten one in Portugal I have devoured my fair share of the Spanish equivalent – Pastel de Nata when I lived in Catalunya.  My hens are laying 6 eggs a day at the moment so the time was right for my first try at Pasteis de Nata.

Pasteis de Nata Portuguese Custard Tart
Pasteis de Nata Portuguese Custard Tart

I have simplified the recipe by using ready made Puff Pastry. But feel free to make your own pastry and then just follow the assembly instructions. This recipe makes 24 tarts but it could easily be halved. Continue reading “Pasteis de Nata Portuguese Custard Tarts”

Lemon Meringue Pie

With the long summer evenings and warmer weather finally arrived here on Skye my hens are laying well. So what to make when you have a glut of freshly laid eggs. Having never made it before Lemon Meringue Pie was high on my list. I love baking with citrus fruits so Lemon Meringue Pie ticks all the boxes.

Lemon Meringue Pie
Lemon Meringue Pie

My recipe for Lemon Meringue Pie uses the pastry recipe I have used in previous tarts which is fairly foolproof. Which only leaves two more stages to make. So here goes…my recipe is below! Continue reading “Lemon Meringue Pie”

Hummingbird Cake

Surprisingly I have never had a slice of Hummingbird Cake when I have been out for Coffee and Cake. Mainly because what was on offer had dessicated coconut in it and I’m not a lover of coconut. Most recipes I looked at for Hummingbird Cake didn’t include coconut anyway, so I’ve put that down to a personal preference on behalf of the baker. However they all included some

Hummingbird Cake
Hummingbird Cake

fabulous tropical fruits, mango, passion fruit, banana, orange and pineapple.

So here is my take on Hummingbird cake. It’s big, but totally worth it especially as we have all Bank Holiday weekend to enjoy it!

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Blueberry and Almond Cake

After an impulsive blueberry purchase in the supermarket this week I thought

Blueberry and Almond Cake
Blueberry and Almond Cake

it best to bake a Blueberry and Almond Cake. There are so many recipes out there for Blueberry Muffins or Lemon & Blueberry Cake so I thought it would be good to have something a bit different. So here’s my recipe was a delicious Blueberry and Almond Cake with a cream cheese filling and frosting. Continue reading “Blueberry and Almond Cake”

Chocolate Spice Cake

This week I dug out my 40th Edition Be-Ro book and did the Cookbook Challenge. It is a well thumbed recipe book so was hard to find something I

Chocolate Spice Cake
Chocolate Spice Cake

haven’t baked before but hiding away on page 53 is Chocolate Spice Cake.

This cake is suits Autumn perfectly, especially this week being Halloween and Bonfire Night. The Chocolate Spice Cake is lightly spiced with cloves, cinnamon and mixed spice so is a lovely alternative to parkin and gingerbread. Continue reading “Chocolate Spice Cake”

Chocolate Chip Orange Cake

Chocolate and Orange are perfect flavours when baking cakes and never more so than in this recipe for Chocolate Chip Orange Cake. Chunks of good quality chocolate lace the moist orange sponge. This Chocolate Chip Orange Cake is reminiscent of when you bake with marmalade only this time you use a whole raw orange!

Chocolate Chip Orange Cake
Chocolate Chip Orange Cake

Read on for my recipe…

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Cinnamon Buns

It has taken quite a while for me to get up the courage to make Cinnamon Buns. Don’t get me wrong I love eating Cinnamon Buns but dough is my

Cinnamon Buns
Cinnamon Buns

nemesis. Back in secondary school our bread lesson in Home Economics was interrupted by a fire alarm and all our hard work was ruined. I went home with wholemeal cannon balls rather than bread rolls. Continue reading “Cinnamon Buns”

Almond Macaroon Cake

This recipe for Almond Macaroon Cake is my very first Cookbook Challenge. I love to bake a cake so it was an easy place to start. Not wanting to give myself a free pass I have chosen a cake I have never seen before. Also because I now call Scotland my home I wanted the first recipe to have a bit of Scottish history. Continue reading “Almond Macaroon Cake”

Empire Biscuits

Saturday 15th September 2018 sees the Isle of Skye host the start of the “I

Empire Biscuit
Empire Biscuit

would walk 500 miles” walk in support of a second Scottish Independence Referendum. A friend of ours is having a stall at the start and asked if I would bake some Empire Biscuits for the stall. With my baking credentials, how could I refuse. Traditionally Empire Biscuits are decorated with half a glacé cherry or  jelly sweet such as a jelly tot. However these Empire Biscuits are adorned with an edible Saltire Flag to support the dedicated walkers who are heading just over 500 miles to Edinburgh. Continue reading “Empire Biscuits”