Chocolate Babka

Whilst thumbing the pages of New York Cult Recipes by Marc Grossman I stumbled across a recipe for Chocolate Babka. This is a breakfast cake popular in Jewish New York bakeries and Deli’s. A hybrid between bread, brioche and cake with lots of added chocolate. What’s not to love!

Chocolate Babka
Chocolate Babka

The ingredients are simple and easy to come by. You need a bit of time for the dough to rise twice but not many other tricky skills. So here is the recipe from the book and my experience of making and eating Chocolate Babka.

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Cinnamon Buns

It has taken quite a while for me to get up the courage to make Cinnamon Buns. Don’t get me wrong I love eating Cinnamon Buns but dough is my

Cinnamon Buns
Cinnamon Buns

nemesis. Back in secondary school our bread lesson in Home Economics was interrupted by a fire alarm and all our hard work was ruined. I went home with wholemeal cannon balls rather than bread rolls. Continue reading “Cinnamon Buns”