Chocolate Spice Cake

This week I dug out my 40th Edition Be-Ro book and did the Cookbook Challenge. It is a well thumbed recipe book so was hard to find something I

Chocolate Spice Cake
Chocolate Spice Cake

haven’t baked before but hiding away on page 53 is Chocolate Spice Cake.

This cake is suits Autumn perfectly, especially this week being Halloween and Bonfire Night. The Chocolate Spice Cake is lightly spiced with cloves, cinnamon and mixed spice so is a lovely alternative to parkin and gingerbread. Continue reading “Chocolate Spice Cake”

Rhubarb and Custard Cake

Whilst I know it isn’t Rhubarb season at the moment fear not this Rhubarb and Custard Cake isn’t made with fresh rhubarb! I have created this cake as I love the good old fashioned Rhubarb and Custard boiled sweets. That and I come from a long line of custard lovers. There is always a joke at a family gathering that we need extra custard served with our puddings. Luckily most

Rhubarb and Custard Cake
Rhubarb and Custard Cake

restaurants are only too happy to oblige.

The indulgent ingredient of this Rhubarb and Custard Cake is the subtle addition of Rhubarb and Ginger Liqueur from Edinburgh Gin both in the buttercream filling and the frosting. It is a simple Victoria Sponge recipe with a few twists so good for a quick and easy bake.

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Home-made Jam

So now is an excellent time to be making home-made jam. A few years ago I

Home-made Jam
Home-made Jam

owned and run a successful artisan preserves business. I hand made over 500 jars of jam a week so I’ll share some of my tips with you. Then I’ll share my recipe I’ve just created based on what fruit was ready for picking in my garden on the Isle of Skye.


Continue reading “Home-made Jam”

Skye Food and Drink Festival

13th & 14th June 2018 sees the Aros Centre, Portree host the Skye Food and Drink Festival. A celebration of food and drink from Skye and the surrounding Skye Food Drink Festivalregions as well as some local musicians playing in the restaurant. As I only live about 4 miles from the Aros Centre it seemed only right to have a drive out and have a look around.  It must have been an intriguing prospect as hubby tagged along too! Continue reading “Skye Food and Drink Festival”