Hummingbird Cake

Surprisingly I have never had a slice of Hummingbird Cake when I have been out for Coffee and Cake. Mainly because what was on offer had dessicated coconut in it and I’m not a lover of coconut. Most recipes I looked at for Hummingbird Cake didn’t include coconut anyway, so I’ve put that down to a personal preference on behalf of the baker. However they all included some

Hummingbird Cake
Hummingbird Cake

fabulous tropical fruits, mango, passion fruit, banana, orange and pineapple.

So here is my take on Hummingbird cake. It’s big, but totally worth it especially as we have all Bank Holiday weekend to enjoy it!

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Blueberry and Almond Cake

After an impulsive blueberry purchase in the supermarket this week I thought

Blueberry and Almond Cake
Blueberry and Almond Cake

it best to bake a Blueberry and Almond Cake. There are so many recipes out there for Blueberry Muffins or Lemon & Blueberry Cake so I thought it would be good to have something a bit different. So here’s my recipe was a delicious Blueberry and Almond Cake with a cream cheese filling and frosting. Continue reading “Blueberry and Almond Cake”

Red Velvet Cake

Last week I bought some cream cheese to make a frosting for an Apple Cake I

Red Velvet Cake
Red Velvet Cake

made. The Apple Cake wasn’t the success I hoped so I didn’t ice it. So what to bake to use the cream cheese, well it could only be Red Velvet Cake!
Red Velvet Cake is one of those cakes that ticks all the boxes – chocolate, moist and covered in frosting – what more could you want. So here’s my recipe for Red Velvet Cake. Continue reading “Red Velvet Cake”

Rhubarb and Custard Cake

Whilst I know it isn’t Rhubarb season at the moment fear not this Rhubarb and Custard Cake isn’t made with fresh rhubarb! I have created this cake as I love the good old fashioned Rhubarb and Custard boiled sweets. That and I come from a long line of custard lovers. There is always a joke at a family gathering that we need extra custard served with our puddings. Luckily most

Rhubarb and Custard Cake
Rhubarb and Custard Cake

restaurants are only too happy to oblige.

The indulgent ingredient of this Rhubarb and Custard Cake is the subtle addition of Rhubarb and Ginger Liqueur from Edinburgh Gin both in the buttercream filling and the frosting. It is a simple Victoria Sponge recipe with a few twists so good for a quick and easy bake.

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Blueberry and Lemon Cake

I chose to create this Blueberry and Lemon Cake after a cake guessing game

Blueberry and Lemon Cake
Blueberry and Lemon Cake

with a friend on Twitter. Blueberry Cake was mentioned and it got my juices flowing. I have used frozen blueberries as they are readily available in the freezer aisle in most supermarkets. For the cream cheese frosting I used Philadelphia but any full fat soft cheese would be fine. Reduced fat soft cheeses are available but don’t give the same creamy texture. Below is the recipe for my Blueberry and Lemon Cake complete with a cream cheese frosting.

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