Hummingbird Cake

Surprisingly I have never had a slice of Hummingbird Cake when I have been out for Coffee and Cake. Mainly because what was on offer had dessicated coconut in it and I’m not a lover of coconut. Most recipes I looked at for Hummingbird Cake didn’t include coconut anyway, so I’ve put that down to a personal preference on behalf of the baker. However they all included some

Hummingbird Cake
Hummingbird Cake

fabulous tropical fruits, mango, passion fruit, banana, orange and pineapple.

So here is my take on Hummingbird cake. It’s big, but totally worth it especially as we have all Bank Holiday weekend to enjoy it!

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Weetabix Cake

We were having a weekend away camping on the neighbouring island of Raasay. We needed a cake robust enough to survive the weekend and be carried in our rucksacks whilst out hiking. After a little bit of inspiration courtesy of my Gaelic tutor Weetabix Cake came out favourite.

Weetabix Cake
Weetabix Cake

Weetabix is fruity, tasty, packed full of energy and is nice and robust for rucksack lunches. Even better, it is very easy to make and I had all the ingredients in the pantry! I eat two weetabix and fresh fruit every day for breakfast so I really didn’t have to look very far!

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Christmas Cake

It still isn’t too late to make your own Christmas Cake. I usually make mine in

Iced Christmas Cake
Iced Christmas Cake

September and then spend the next few months “feeding”it. This loosely translates to pouring more brandy over it as it matures. My recipe for Christmas Cake is adaptable to your own tastes and preferences, which I’ll point out as we go. Continue reading “Christmas Cake”

Guinness Fruit Cake

The weather here on Skye has taken a turn for the better so after weeks of rain it’s time to get outside. We decided Saturday would be some gardening

Guinness Fruit Cake
Guinness Fruit Cake

and Sunday a hike. These plans meant I needed to bake a robust cake that would survive a trip in a rucksack, wrapped in tinfoil. It calls for a Guinness Fruit Cake, any stout, or very dark ale will do but we always have Guinness in the fridge.

If like me you aren’t a beer drinker fear not you will still enjoy this Guinness Fruit Cake. You taste the richness of the stout rather than the hoppy beer flavour!

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Blackcurrant and Almond Cake

In my previous post about Skye Jumble Berry Jam you’ll know I have a lot of

Blackcurrant and Almond Cake
Blackcurrant and Almond Cake

fruit this year, particularly Blackcurrants. After a few ideas on how to put them to good use before the rest go in the freezer I have a lovely cake recipe to share with you. Introducing you to my very easy Blackcurrant and Almond Cake, made with fresh Blackcurrants grown on the Isle of Skye.

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