Louise Cake with a Twist

Browsing through a few cookbooks last week searching for a recipe my husband stumbled across Louise Cake in Sweet by Ottolenghi. However after a bit of hunting around this wasn’t a traditional Louise Cake recipe, rather an adaptation.  Louise Cake is a popular New Zealand bake which resembles more of a slice than a cake. The story goes it was named after Queen

Louise Cake
Louise Cake

Victoria’s daughter Princess Louise and arrived on New Zealand shores with British travellers at the time.

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Cinnamon Buns

It has taken quite a while for me to get up the courage to make Cinnamon Buns. Don’t get me wrong I love eating Cinnamon Buns but dough is my

Cinnamon Buns
Cinnamon Buns

nemesis. Back in secondary school our bread lesson in Home Economics was interrupted by a fire alarm and all our hard work was ruined. I went home with wholemeal cannon balls rather than bread rolls. Continue reading “Cinnamon Buns”