Bakewell Tart

I adore Bakewell Tart and go out of my way to hunt a good one down. My

Bakewell Tart
Bakewell Tart

absolute favourite outside of Bakewell itself is from Malton Relish. When Sophie, my good friend and owner of Malton Relish comes to visit she brings some up to Skye especially for us!

But as I am now so far away from my favourite Bakewell Tart I thought I had just better make my own. And as I am also and avid lover of marzipan, I supercharged the frangipani with some extra marzipan! So below is my version of Bakewell Tart.

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Empire Biscuits

Saturday 15th September 2018 sees the Isle of Skye host the start of the “I

Empire Biscuit
Empire Biscuit

would walk 500 miles” walk in support of a second Scottish Independence Referendum. A friend of ours is having a stall at the start and asked if I would bake some Empire Biscuits for the stall. With my baking credentials, how could I refuse. Traditionally Empire Biscuits are decorated with half a glacé cherry or  jelly sweet such as a jelly tot. However these Empire Biscuits are adorned with an edible Saltire Flag to support the dedicated walkers who are heading just over 500 miles to Edinburgh. Continue reading “Empire Biscuits”

Chocolate and Vanilla Marble Loaf Cake

Chocolate and Vanilla Marble Loaf Cake

Inspired by the Mary Berry book – Simple Cakes this loaf cake is lovely as it is or you can add subtle little twists. My first impression was that it would be lovely to be a Chocolate Orange sponge marbled with a Vanilla sponge. To do that I would add the zest of half an orange to the chocolate half of the mix and substitute the hot water for orange juice. Either way it’s a lovely fun sponge to bake. Continue reading “Chocolate and Vanilla Marble Loaf Cake”