Bakewell Tart

I adore Bakewell Tart and go out of my way to hunt a good one down. My

Bakewell Tart
Bakewell Tart

absolute favourite outside of Bakewell itself is from Malton Relish. When Sophie, my good friend and owner of Malton Relish comes to visit she brings some up to Skye especially for us!

But as I am now so far away from my favourite Bakewell Tart I thought I had just better make my own. And as I am also and avid lover of marzipan, I supercharged the frangipani with some extra marzipan! So below is my version of Bakewell Tart.

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Empire Biscuits

Saturday 15th September 2018 sees the Isle of Skye host the start of the “I

Empire Biscuit
Empire Biscuit

would walk 500 miles” walk in support of a second Scottish Independence Referendum. A friend of ours is having a stall at the start and asked if I would bake some Empire Biscuits for the stall. With my baking credentials, how could I refuse. Traditionally Empire Biscuits are decorated with half a glacé cherry or  jelly sweet such as a jelly tot. However these Empire Biscuits are adorned with an edible Saltire Flag to support the dedicated walkers who are heading just over 500 miles to Edinburgh. Continue reading “Empire Biscuits”

Rhubarb and Custard Cake

Whilst I know it isn’t Rhubarb season at the moment fear not this Rhubarb and Custard Cake isn’t made with fresh rhubarb! I have created this cake as I love the good old fashioned Rhubarb and Custard boiled sweets. That and I come from a long line of custard lovers. There is always a joke at a family gathering that we need extra custard served with our puddings. Luckily most

Rhubarb and Custard Cake
Rhubarb and Custard Cake

restaurants are only too happy to oblige.

The indulgent ingredient of this Rhubarb and Custard Cake is the subtle addition of Rhubarb and Ginger Liqueur from Edinburgh Gin both in the buttercream filling and the frosting. It is a simple Victoria Sponge recipe with a few twists so good for a quick and easy bake.

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Chocolate Sponge Cake

This recipe for a Dark Chocolate Sponge Cake was shared with me by my good friends at Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil. You will find the original recipe on their own

Chocolate Sponge Cake
Chocolate Sponge Cake

website as well as my version below. I first made it in April when it was be a good use of surplus Easter chocolate. Although it is a very simple and delicious Chocolate Sponge Cake for any time of year. Once you have mastered the cake recipe you can then make subtle changes to the filling and topping as you see fit.

The main difference in this Chocolate Sponge recipe is the use of Rapeseed Oil instead of the traditional butter or baking spread as the fat. This was the first time I had baked using rapeseed oil but I am converted. Fear not, you will not notice the difference and the result is a bit healthier for you! The recipe also uses the all-in-one method so is very simple and foolproof.

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Home-made Jam

So now is an excellent time to be making home-made jam. A few years ago I

Home-made Jam
Home-made Jam

owned and run a successful artisan preserves business. I hand made over 500 jars of jam a week so I’ll share some of my tips with you. Then I’ll share my recipe I’ve just created based on what fruit was ready for picking in my garden on the Isle of Skye.


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