Scotch Pancakes

Having made fresh curds for Yorkshire Curd Tart there is always plenty of

Scotch Pancakes with bacon & maple syrup
Scotch Pancakes with bacon & maple syrup

buttermilk left over for making Scotch Pancakes, Buttermilk Scones and so many other lovely treats. I decided to make Scotch Pancakes, with smoked bacon and maple syrup the very next day. You may also come across Scotch Pancakes known as Drop or Dropped Scones, there is very little difference other than the name. Traditionally cooked on a griddle or skillet over an open fire you can quite happily cook them on a hob in a heavy bottomed sauce pan or pancake pan.

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Maple Syrup, Orange & Pecan Cake

A few months ago I found a recipe for a Maple Syrup Cake which turned out to be a disaster. The quantities, nor the method seemed correct but I ploughed ahead and baked a dreadful dry and sunken cake. So after a bit of experimentation I now have a recipe I have created for a delicious Maple Syrup, Orange & Pecan Cake with an orange buttercream filling. Even better, you can always swap the Pecans for Walnuts and it will be just as tasty!

Maple Syrup Orange and Pecan Cake
Maple Syrup Orange and Pecan Cake

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