Louise Cake with a Twist

Browsing through a few cookbooks last week searching for a recipe my husband stumbled across Louise Cake in Sweet by Ottolenghi. However after a bit of hunting around this wasn’t a traditional Louise Cake recipe, rather an adaptation.  Louise Cake is a popular New Zealand bake which resembles more of a slice than a cake. The story goes it was named after Queen

Louise Cake
Louise Cake

Victoria’s daughter Princess Louise and arrived on New Zealand shores with British travellers at the time.

Continue reading “Louise Cake with a Twist”

Lemon Meringue Pie

With the long summer evenings and warmer weather finally arrived here on Skye my hens are laying well. So what to make when you have a glut of freshly laid eggs. Having never made it before Lemon Meringue Pie was high on my list. I love baking with citrus fruits so Lemon Meringue Pie ticks all the boxes.

Lemon Meringue Pie
Lemon Meringue Pie

My recipe for Lemon Meringue Pie uses the pastry recipe I have used in previous tarts which is fairly foolproof. Which only leaves two more stages to make. So here goes…my recipe is below! Continue reading “Lemon Meringue Pie”

Almond Macaroon Cake

This recipe for Almond Macaroon Cake is my very first Cookbook Challenge. I love to bake a cake so it was an easy place to start. Not wanting to give myself a free pass I have chosen a cake I have never seen before. Also because I now call Scotland my home I wanted the first recipe to have a bit of Scottish history. Continue reading “Almond Macaroon Cake”