Louise Cake with a Twist

Browsing through a few cookbooks last week searching for a recipe my husband stumbled across Louise Cake in Sweet by Ottolenghi. However after a bit of hunting around this wasn’t a traditional Louise Cake recipe, rather an adaptation.  Louise Cake is a popular New Zealand bake which resembles more of a slice than a cake. The story goes it was named after Queen

Louise Cake
Louise Cake

Victoria’s daughter Princess Louise and arrived on New Zealand shores with British travellers at the time.

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Home-made Jam

So now is an excellent time to be making home-made jam. A few years ago I

Home-made Jam
Home-made Jam

owned and run a successful artisan preserves business. I hand made over 500 jars of jam a week so I’ll share some of my tips with you. Then I’ll share my recipe I’ve just created based on what fruit was ready for picking in my garden on the Isle of Skye.


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