Scotch Pancakes

Having made fresh curds for Yorkshire Curd Tart there is always plenty of

Scotch Pancakes with bacon & maple syrup
Scotch Pancakes with bacon & maple syrup

buttermilk left over for making Scotch Pancakes, Buttermilk Scones and so many other lovely treats. I decided to make Scotch Pancakes, with smoked bacon and maple syrup the very next day. You may also come across Scotch Pancakes known as Drop or Dropped Scones, there is very little difference other than the name. Traditionally cooked on a griddle or skillet over an open fire you can quite happily cook them on a hob in a heavy bottomed sauce pan or pancake pan.

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Almond Macaroon Cake

This recipe for Almond Macaroon Cake is my very first Cookbook Challenge. I love to bake a cake so it was an easy place to start. Not wanting to give myself a free pass I have chosen a cake I have never seen before. Also because I now call Scotland my home I wanted the first recipe to have a bit of Scottish history. Continue reading “Almond Macaroon Cake”

Empire Biscuits

Saturday 15th September 2018 sees the Isle of Skye host the start of the “I

Empire Biscuit
Empire Biscuit

would walk 500 miles” walk in support of a second Scottish Independence Referendum. A friend of ours is having a stall at the start and asked if I would bake some Empire Biscuits for the stall. With my baking credentials, how could I refuse. Traditionally Empire Biscuits are decorated with half a glacé cherry or  jelly sweet such as a jelly tot. However these Empire Biscuits are adorned with an edible Saltire Flag to support the dedicated walkers who are heading just over 500 miles to Edinburgh. Continue reading “Empire Biscuits”